How to make a big dick: what to do to make your dick bigger

Often enough, men wonder how to make a member bigger? In fact, there are several methods that can do the job.

Conventionally, all methods are divided into three categories: surgical and non-surgical, as well as a combination of methods.

As a rule, the fastest way is surgery to help enlarge the penis. But, most often, the penis grows in a calm state, and with an erection, the size practically does not change.

Definitely, men support penis enlargement and erection. Is it worth understanding how to enlarge the penis? And what to do to make the phallus grow?

American technology

penis enlarged in a towel

In the middle of the last century, Americans developed a special technique in the form of a set of exercises that are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

As a result of regular training, the penis gets bigger and adds a few centimeters in girth.

American practices are based on the fact that during the life of a man, the penis changes, that is, it grows, albeit slightly. Correct exercise:

  • Grab your penis by the base of the glans and gently pull it forward. Immediately after this action, a state of erection occurs, but this should not interrupt the exercise.
  • It is necessary to continue until the man feels that he will soon ejaculate. Since this moment is near, you need to stop abruptly and continue, having calmed down.
  • After taking a water-based lubricant or penis enlargement cream, apply a thin layer on the penis. Massage your penis in a circular motion for several minutes. Direction: from bottom to top, each time lingering on the head.
  • Pull the penis to the right, freeze for 20 seconds, then to the left - lock it again for 20 seconds, then up and away from you (20 seconds each). Repeat 4 more times in each direction.
  • At the end of the session, you can masturbate, leading you to orgasm.

In order for the penis to constantly grow, as well as become more voluminous, it is necessary to increase the stretching time by 20-30 seconds every three days. Based on the experience and feedback of American scientists, we can say that in a couple of months there will be noticeable changes in the size of the penis.

Also, on the English-language resources there are reviews of Americans who have been successfully involved in this technique for 5 months or more. After analyzing their comments, we can conclude that the method is indeed real, the penis is enlarged.

With regular and daily training, without unreasonable interruptions, some of the men have managed to enlarge their penis by 16 to 20 centimeters. And in support of his words, the stronger sex posts videos of his workouts and achievements.

In order for the penis to grow faster, it is imperative to include a cream in the execution of the training, which is a novelty in modern pharmacology, but has already established itself only on the positive side. Applying the cream morning and evening for a month gives the following results:

  1. The penis gets bigger, increases in length and thickness.
  2. The sensitivity of the penis increases, the duration of sex increases several times.
  3. Orgasm becomes brighter.

In addition, due to powerful substances, the agent penetrates the cellular level of the penis, as a result of which the cavernous bodies expand and stretch, the effect remains for life.

Chartham technique

penis enlargement exercises

Chartham training means a selection of all existing exercises, as a result of which the penis has grown, even by a small amount of millimeters or centimeters.

The essence of the technique lies in the judgment that the greater the load on the muscle of the penis, the more intense its growth, as a result of which the size increases.

Do not forget such an important point for penis growth, such as penis warming:

  • Hot-appointed procedures help to increase the circulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • As a rule, the time for warming up is 10 minutes, you should not ignore the preliminary preparation or be trivial to be lazy, as this is an important stage that affects the increase of the phallus.

Pre-tingling massage before exercise:

  1. Take your penis in your hand, thus freeing up access to the scrotum.
  2. With the other hand, pinch the scrotum and pull it away from you. At this stage, severe pain is normal. In the extended position, hold the scrotum for 10-20 seconds.
  3. For 5 minutes of the session, pinch the scrotum up to 10 times in different places, not forgetting to peel off the skin.
  4. After completing all the steps, in order for the penis to grow faster, it is necessary to massage the penis for 2-3 minutes.

Basic Chartham Exercise:

  • Grab the penis with a "ring" grip, squeeze tight enough.
  • Make a movement, hand up, reaching the head, connect the second hand.
  • With the correct execution of the exercise, the head will become more saturated with color, it will swell a little.
  • You have to do about 100 of these approaches.
  • At the end of the exercise, you should pinch your head (about 10-20 touch-ups).
  • After warming up the penis, apply the gel.

Chartham workouts must be done daily and regularly, and most importantly, for the penis to grow, everything must be done correctly. There are many instructional videos on the Internet that demonstrate proper execution.

Based on the experience and feedback of men who preferred these exercises to others, we can say that making the penis thicker and longer is quite possible, the main thing is not to be lazy and clearly follow the instructions for implementation .

This is confirmed by numerous photos, in which the owners of already impressive dignity demonstrate the achieved parameters.

Stretching practice

Workouts, the main exercise in which stretching is, involve an increase in the penis due to this action. The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Take a comfortable position: sitting, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take three fingers for the head of the penis, move away from you (not in pain).
  3. Freeze in this position for 20 seconds, more if possible without feeling discomfort, so you can take a minute.
  4. Release, pause for 10 seconds, repeat again 20-30 times.
  5. After completing the exercise, slap a member on each of the thighs. The blows should be stinging, but not painful.

It is necessary to perform such an exercise three times a day, the method works most effectively in the morning, since during this period the maximum amount of the male hormone produced is recorded.

Unfortunately there is no time frame that determines the increase. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the due diligence of man and other factors.

If we analyze the reviews, we can say that in a month and a half the penis can increase by 1 cm, or a little less, and all these are exercises that help to enlarge the penis with our own hands. In reality, the result is not quick.

When there is no desire to wait that long, but you want to accumulate a few centimeters as fast as possible, you need to use a specialized tool.

This gel consists only of natural ingredients, thanks to which the growth of the phallus occurs. In addition, the regular use of funds guarantees the following bonuses:

  • Persistent and strong erection, the time of sex increases.
  • The sensations during intercourse become brighter.
  • Libido and sexual activity increased.

Since the product has passed all clinical studies, it is worth noting that the gel is suitable for men, regardless of their age.

Practice of contraction

penis tightening penis ring for enlargement

In order for the phallus to grow, it is necessary to add its contraction to the lengthening of the penis.

To tighten the penis is meant the use of special rings or ribbons that squeeze the male organ in a calm state. That is, the organ is, as it were, at rest, but at the same time it is enlarged.

It should be noted that the method is auxiliary and in itself does not provide stable growth of the penis.

The best effect will be a rubber ring, which must be worn at the base of the penis, keeps the size reached at rest, in a suspended position.

Important information on withdrawal:

  1. You have to start tightening each approach for 5 minutes, 2 times a day.
  2. In order for the member to grow steadily, every day it is necessary to increase the wearing time by 15 seconds.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is impossible to understand which method will be most effective in each specific situation.

It is always necessary to try different options, it is better to combine them and exercise regularly, not forgetting about specialized creams.